
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Products and Experiments

This week, particularly, is going to be a week of experimentation.  I saw a few great ideas online and decided to try them.  Here is my product haul for the week:

Fodder for my experiments...

The first thing is something super basic and, hopefully, very easy to do.  It's a baking soda mask.  There are tons of recipes online, but I like this one because it is simply baking soda and water.  It's supposed to exfoliate and help clear skin.  Over the last year or so I have started to get crazy, teenage-style, acne.  Apparently when you hit your early thirties, you get to be a teen again.

The second thing is a formula for matte nail polish.

Please reference my prior post about nails.  Don't misunderstand--texture is not always one of the sins of nails.  In fact, I think doing a nice plum matte nail is a nice, yet appropriate, way to change it up.  So, I bought a Revlon topcoat that I plan to add a hefty dose of cornstarch for an easy transformation to polishes I already have.

The last is a new spin on foundation.  As I mentioned, I have been having crazy acne flare-ups, and for the first time in my life, I feel like I need a heavier foundation.  Until now I have been a tinted moisturizer or BB Cream kind of girl.  Now, I'm not so sure.  I have tried a couple of cheapy drug store brands, like L'oreal Visible Lift, and kind of like it.  But I came across this girl's blog and I thought, why not? The idea is to mix equal parts heavy foundation, moisturizer, and primer.  So, I bought some Revlon Colorstay foundation, which I have read is a good, cheaper equivalent to Max Studio FX that the blogger references.  I have some of the exact same moisturizer and I actually have tons of primer (lots o' free samples), enough to probably last a year. (I love her find of the cheaper primer equivalent-awesome)  I'll try it tomorrow and keep you posted. 

The total for these product purchases:  $17

To follow up on my trip to Macy's for the "final closing", I didn't end up buying anything.  The prices were only 20%-30% off on most things.  I can get that anytime.  I think I'll go back this week though, and see if prices have dropped.  The things that I think might end up being a good deal (if they still have what I want) are lingerie, towels, and accessories. 

The other items I got this week are:
These were $2!!!!

From the Gap, $14
The shoes are from DSW and, check it out, they were $2.  Yes, correct.  They are out of season, therefore super marked down and I had a coupon.  Totally cute for this summer, with a sort-of jaunty, east-coast vibe.  The sweater was on clearance at the Gap, and with an extra 30% off, was $14.  I AM COMPLETELY OBSESSED WITH STRIPEY SHIRTS. ( More on this later.)

Total purchases for the week:  $33

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