
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Champagne Wishes and Salad Greens

Hello long lost friends! I am well aware of the shirked duties of the writing and maintenance of this blog.  There is no excuse that I can offer you- only an explanation as to why, and what I plan to do about it.

My year started off strong and I was ready to conquer the world!  The good news is that I have been on track with many of my goals.  I have now lost about 35 pounds, on my way to 50+ and have some really great products and info to share.  I have tried to continue to curtail my recreational money spending, and although I haven't made huge leaps and bounds in this area, my head is (and has been) in a really good place.  I have found so many awesome deals and so many cool things, but it is SO hard to blog about them all!

One of the big reasons that I have not been keeping up with my blogger dreams is because I have been going through a career renaissance, of sorts.  I am trying to make some big, sweeping changes in this area of my life, and it take a lot of time and effort.  And, quite frankly, I consider blogging a "luxury" item!  I've been working 40-50 hours a week, working out, job/career revamping, volunteering, and indulging in my social life.  I try to spend time with my husband when we are not working, and keeping up with the household stuff.  Pretty typical, right? To keep my sanity, the blogging had to go!

I want to keep this short and sweet.  I'm not signing off- not really- but have thought long and hard about Twitter being a more appropriate venue for simple tips, tricks, and deals.  So, I'll try to post when I have something very important to say, but for now, and for the better I hope, PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER @thestyleyear

Me, gearing up for a run with my parent's dog, Charley

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